Happy New Year! A New Year and a New Perspective

You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11      Happy New Year! As we start a new year, we look forward to a fresh new start while leaving the busyness of the season behind. Excitement grows with anticipation to reach new goals. The previous year is over and there are many who if they could, would bury it, burn it or lock it up and throw away the key. With every new year, it becomes tradition to try to make the new year the best one yet, in turn making for a better life.

But what does that even mean? Sadly, I think for some, it’s achieving the “Pinterest-perfect” life, thinking if it all looks perfect it must be perfect. Others want a more successful year, hoping for that raise at work. Many are hitting the gym, and some are on the search to find the love of their life. What about you? What did you resolve to achieve this year?

I asked myself that same question. While trying to figure out which goal should take priority on my list, the list kept getting bigger and bigger. Do I focus on getting healthier, spending more time with loved ones, getting more organized? Or do I put all my focus and energy into trying to find balance while concentrating on all three?

 After spending some time on social media, (which was also added to my list), I realized that most people are on a mission to avoid the pain and the inevitable messiness of life. For them, the best year would be absent of heartache and trouble. I’m not sure how that’s even possible in a world so full of imperfect people, but nonetheless it seems to rank high in their list of new goals. I can imagine that idea gets squashed fairly quickly. After all, life’s going to happen no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

After I compiled my list of all I’d like to accomplish, I realized there was no way I’d ever get it all done; even if being more organized was a priority. I decided I would keep the list as a reminder to look back on from time to time. After all, I think it is very important to take inventory of our life and make adjustments along the way. But in my forty-two years of life, although my list has changed, (especially after marriage and three kids) year after year, one thing does not change; you don’t get that time back.

We can all look back on our lives and see how quickly it goes by. Before we know it our kids are closer to leaving the nest, while our parents age becomes more evident. Time passes on by, often leaving us with regrets, wishing we would have stopped for a moment to take it all in.

I decided what was most important was not trying to make the best life, but being present in the life I already had. Embracing it, messiness and all, and finding the beauty in every moment. Even in the craziness and chaos, I want to remember that it won’t last forever. I want to step back and breathe in God’s goodness and grace that I all too often overlook.

Let’s face it, life happens. And it always comes with unexpected situations. Life’s bound to rain down on us, but how lovely is the fragrance when it’s over. When life knocks us to our knees, we are in the perfect position to approach the Almighty. When we shed tears for loved ones lost, soon, sweet memories take their place. When times look bleak, God’s grace offers a new perspective. When we can’t carry on; through Christ we are renewed and made strong.

As you look for challenges to complete this year, I challenge you to find the beauty in your own wonderful mess.

What goals do you have for 2018? 

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