Be Still and Know

Being open to God’s will means acting in obedience to his call even when it looks different from what we planned or when it feels uncomfortable. 

I know, that’s easier said than done. I can attest that I have not done this even close to perfectly, especially lately, as my life has taken a turn down a whole different path that I did not expect. A path I hadn’t envisioned for myself and quite honestly met with a tad bit of resistance…okay, a lot of resistance.

I had in my mind a different plan. Don’t we all? 😉One that I thought truly was my purpose as I had felt called to it. But God has directed me down a different road. I’m not quite sure of my purpose in this new direction yet and I find myself asking Him often what he wants me to do. But if there’s anything I’ve learned in these past few years, is God’s power is most evident in my weakness. Change begins with total surrender. My faith grows when I trust Him even when I don’t understand. There can be joy, even in the midst of pain and sorrow. 

Just five months ago, life looked differently. Joey, me, and our kids were looking forward to celebrating as the holidays approached. We celebrated with each new milestone. God had done the miraculous. We were filled with gratitude that we still had Joey with us.

Joey and I were busy mentoring premarital couples and even sharing marriage advice on our social media. Joey was working and I loved my job. Life was good. It was definitely different and we were still recovering from the trauma. But we were happy to be past the worst of it and were focused on healing and moving forward. We wondered what God would show us next and were ready to share it with those who would listen.

What happened next? My father got sick. For twenty-one days I watched as his health began to fade. He died from the very thing that hospitalized and nearly took Joey’s life. A month later, we had his funeral. A month later, I would resign from my job after suffering with such severe panic attacks that prevented me from driving, causing me to leave a position I loved, along with cherished friendships. A month later, today, I find myself realizing the different things God is showing me in this season of grief, rest, healing, and being still.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

I don’t share this for any reason other than there may be someone or perhaps you know someone who needs to hear this. Life might not look how you expected or even planned. It may feel uncomfortable or even unnatural. There might be tons of questions swirling in your heart and mind. Or perhaps there is pain that you don’t see a purpose for or when it will even end. 

Hold on. Hold on to God’s promises. Be still. Pray. Ask Him to lead you, trusting he’ll show you the way. Be obedient to his call. We often want to rush out of the ‘wilderness’ or escape the ‘valley’ as quickly as possible. And while we don’t want to stay longer than he intends us to, sometimes the road we’d prefer to avoid all together, is the exact same road that leads us straight into the presence of God.

So if life looks a little different from what you expected, you’re not alone. Hold on to Him. Rest in the confidence that he holds all things together even on the days when you feel like you’re  falling apart. He is faithful. He is good. Take heart, he is working all things out.

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